This website is no longer active, but is being maintained as a historical record for the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority (“CRRA”).
On June 6, 2014, Public Act 14-94 established the Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority (“MIRA”) as the successor authority to CRRA. As of this date, MIRA assumed control of all of CRRA’s assets, rights, duties and obligations.
For new information about MIRA, go to
In Section 22a-263a, the Connecticut General Assembly mandates CRRA to display certain information on the Internet. This Public Records section provides all such records.
To read the relevant statute, click Section 22a-263a , which will open in a new browser window.
CRRA operates in an open, transparent and accountable manner. Therefore, additional records to those required by the State of Connecticut are also posted in this section under Additional Communications and Policies.
Information from CRRA can be obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). To read the law, click on the following links that will open in a new browser window: Section 1-200 and two key parts, Access to Public Records and Open-Meeting Law.
Click Contact Corporate Headquarters for guidance on submitting a request to CRRA for records.
The public can attend all meetings of the CRRA Board of Directors and board committees. Selected board meetings are televised on CT-N.
